by Cole
Apr 22, 2013


About this Style
CHIC Shindig
A La Carte

The challenge was for Rapunzel and I to do Liam and Simone, our cult mascots. The catch being that your partner picked 2-4 items that must appear on the HA.

I did Liam Love and my items are:
Tiny Gold Crown
Vanity Edgy Jeans
Here is Rapunzel's Simone.

Hair Salon:
Wen Beardless
262626, 7c7c7c, 000000
Streaks 1, 2, 3, 4 7a5f90
Streaks 6 d0d5d9

Thanks to Nic and Josh for the lends. <3

Sorry for all the uploads! It keeps caching on me.

Tags: A La Carte, CHIC, CHIC Shindig 2013, Delish Decked Out, Fashion Police, hair salon, Liam, Pinkee Ink, Shindig 2013, Sougara Yun, Sweet Boylita, Tiny Gold Crown, Vanity Edgy, Wen Beardless