by Sin
Jul 30, 2012

1 comment

About this Style
Originally this had one of those awesomely weird shoulder growth out of control Morostide mold things on it. Idk I have a sudden, newfound love for them. But I'm using them in one or two other avs and it seemed excessive in this one so I took it off at the last second.

I feel so indecisive now. It's weird because I swear that before I left I'd make something and be all THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS. DONE AND DONE. YEAHHHHH BUDDY. But maybe I'm remembering wrong and this is how I've always been. Probably that. XD

Tags: 2012, armor, B:DCAC5E, beads, birds, blue, BS:FFFFFF, Cer, Cer hair, Chic, Chicbot, Creation, Creation Gold Pants, Decayed Sackcloth Bodice, Delicate Tinkering Necklaces, Delish, Delish Tea, Delish Tea Feathers, Delish Tea Lip Gloss, Desolate, Desolate Chestplate, DS:000000, feathers, gold, green, hair salon, INGH, July 2012, Jungle Patriarch, Jungle Patriarch Jade Leg Decorations, lace, MayQ, MayQ Venom, MayQ Venom Finger Armors, metal, no GA, peacock, Peacockulous, Peacockulous Jacket, S1:FDF8BF, S2:FDF8BF, S3:6BB0B4, S4:FDF8BF, Sackcloth, salon, Tribal Fisher, Tribal Fisher Long Vine, turquoise, Underling, Underling Decorative Cinch, vines, yellow, Yellow Ankle Wraps, Yellow Baby Oxfords