Pushing Daisies
by ache
May 7, 2011

25 Adores


About this Style
So I'm watching this show just to see what people see in it, and I've gotta say that it has beautiful imagery. Every last detail is just djfkdf gorgeous. So yes. The title isn't just referring to my avatar. 8)

This is for Rabstock 2011, an S|R event type thing.

/text nobody reads

Tags: antique box of lingerie, archduchess, dark hemp bead bracelet, delicate daisy crown, delish, delish ion, delish mocha, ew, fairy, fairy lipgloss, garden dirt, high-waisted satin shorts, hippy, kei, moldy zombie braids, pixie, pixie powder, rabstock, serrated seraph, serrated seraph laced shoes, sr, subetan runway, sui, sui blush, S|R, vampire hunter