by PoeticEnigma
Dec 5, 2010


About this Style
Thank you to all who voted for me. I placed 21st in the contest and I am super happy :)
Chione is one of the many Glacier Sprites who dwell in the high mountain passes of Arctic Frost. Glacier Sprites and their cousins the Ice elementals have lived in these mountains for eons, even before the first humans on Subeta came into being.

While they are immortal, Glacier Sprites can only gain physical form during Luminaire, the time when their powers are strongest.

Chione appears before travelers making their way through Arctic Frost, a rippled reflection, as silver starlight seen through the high ice walls of the norther Glaciers. Leaving the traveler to wonder if they did indeed see a beautiful maiden in the snow.

Only those of pure heart, those whom are imbibed with the spirit of Luminaire, can see her as a temporal being, instead of an icy mirage. And to those blessed few, she bestows a wondrous gift.

What is this gift? It is said it is different for everyone she chooses. Those who have claimed to have met her, have found blessings beyond imagination.

Will she choose you next?

You cannot seek Chione. Instead seek to make those around you happy this holiday season, through selfless sharing of your bounty, and maybe then dear traveler, she will find you.

Tags: Decorative Snow Bell, Delish Tea Fascinator, Giselle Snowshoe Skintight Bodysuit, glacier, ice, Luminaire, Luminaire Contest, Silver Mystery Bud, Silver Rose Garland Tank, snow, winter