by Musica
Sep 4, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
A (really late) HA for SR's around the world in 18 days event! 8D I've been wanting to use that Forget Me Not Clip since it came out and this seemed like a good opportunity to do so. :D

And...I never say this enough in comments because I am Autie, she who sucks, but. Tysm my IRC buddies and sugar mama for always playing the lend Autie items game. <3 I swear one day I will expand my wardrobe and stop harassing you guys. :c

(I am so addicted to Ooh La Layers now. OTL)

Tags: argo blackout wig, around the world in 18 days, black, event, forget me not, holy crap 3 face layers, i must be a masochist, indigo, jabot, mariachi, no GA, OLL, purple, purpur, slowest HA maker ever, SR, this HA has nothing to do with the theme at hand but oh well, white, why are there are 2 shades of blue and purple in this