Winter isn't over yet, let's cuddle
by Lovetoken
May 25, 2010

1 comment

About this Style
Technically it's not summer yet, so it's sort of winter.
Yeah, totally.

Also a thank you to May & Holly.
Your both so lovely. <3

I didn't use this image as inspiration but this is pretty much what I was trying to capture.
Picture Here

Tags: Blush, Donna Pearl Earrings, Fairy Lipgloss, feminine, Floral Sash, flowers, girl, Giselle Snowshoe Flower Accents, Green Pastel Spring Dress, Lace-Up Boots, Mint Floral Sash, no black, Pastel, pink, Platinum Blonde Wig, pretty, Snow Queen Fur, Spring dress, Sui, Sui Apricot Blush, Sweet Boylita Suspenders, White Lace-Up Boots, White Skelly Corset Mini-Dress