139 - Chocolate
by Luxe
May 17, 2010


About this Style
Why is it when I'm told to work with brown it comes out looking like crap? Isn't it one of my favorite colors to work with?

LOL, I just realized I left my Moppet hair under the wig. Let's pretend that was intentional.

Tags: brown, calavera bride, calavera bride disheveled hair, chocolate, cream, crime boss costume trunk, curious lacquered box, deep red, donna, embellished waistcoat, fireside pendant, flashback costume trunk, flirty miniskirt, flying ship, kunoichi, lace-up boots, maid, maid and butler costume trunk, material girl, red, sky captain, sougara modair, strange skull candle, striped top, stripes, sui, white, wig