by CrystalBlossom
Dec 12, 2014


About this Style
- cute little blush shoe bows (cw)
- pink flower of heartbroken illusion (cw)
- sweetheart blonde hair kit
- sheer innocent eye makeup
- rose maishadow kit
- pink dream lip tint
- blush applicator
- pink diamond engagement ring
- pink empire ribbon
- sweetheart kitty meowmeow dress (cw)
- elegant lace collar
- stylish white flats (cw)
- white sheer pantyhose
- argo purple heart stockings
- mocha body blush
- fruity toy train (cw)
- fancy veiltail
- flourishing dogwood branch

Tags: cute little blush shoe bows, cw, fruity toy train, pink flower of heartbroken illusion, stylish white flats, sweetheart kitty meowmeow dress