Wohin gehst du, Wohin?
by KyotoAngel
Sep 12, 2014


About this Style
Tried my best to recreate the night time version of Till in Rammstein's "Mein Land" video, but no avatar (however good) can really do him justice. I did, however, leave him shirtless because his epic chest/abdominal hair is ridiculously hot. x'D

Notes: +2 OLL to face layer without GA

Skin: "Light" zapper

Hair: Salon, Breeze

Base: 3e3d3c
Light Shading: ffffff
Dark Shading: 000000
Streaks: aca8a8
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)

Oddly Pixelated Torch
Popstar Music Flyer
Ebony Gear Paint
Black Strengthening Nail Polish
Pile of Smudgy Dirt
Memory From A Happy Summer
Essence of Manliness
(hair layer)
Silver Pirate Eyeloops
Genetech Digital Cornea
Rotten Lens
Black Suspenders
Black Steel-Toed Boots
Bottle of Sand
Black Goffic Pants
Peculiar Petri Dish

Tags: R+, Rammstein, Till Lindemann

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