Heavy Burden
by Cole
Apr 16, 2014


About this Style
CHIC's Anniversary Adventure
Aligned Powers
Create a ruling god/dess and evil nemesis for your magical realm.

I did the ruling god, in a style inspired by the Roman/Greek pantheon. My partner Ashley created a fabulously evil demon as his nemesis.

This HA is CW free.

Hair Salon:
c3eae9, e0fdff, 07225d
Streaks 1, 4 a194d2
2 7367a1
3 41307e

Tags: Aligned Powers, Auratar 2014, Cameo Brooch, CHIC, CHIC 2014, chic cw free 2014, CHIC male 2014, CHIC's Anniversary Adventure, Delish Revel, Delish Revive, Floti, Giselle As Good As, Graves and Goblins, hair salon, Halfling, Lost Schoolboy, Snowflake Fairy, Sorcerer, Tranquil Arcrystal, Wraptop