Beware the Fox
by Cole
Mar 22, 2014

1 comment

About this Style
CHIC Steampunk'd 2014
Packing Heat
Create a masq style Hit Man.

Another fabulous theme!!
I, for sure, went more elegant this time around.

CW Used:
Laced Stone Vintage Oxfords - by the ever amazing Vela

Hair Salon:

Fabulous hair layering idea that I first spotted on a HA by Karmilla. c:

Tags: Aquamarine Encrusted Gunblade, Axis, CHIC, CHIC 2014, CW, Elegant Lace Collar, hair salon, Laced Stone Vintage Oxfords, Lady Belle Ringlets, Ornamented Fox Mask, Packing Heat, so many items on this HA!!, Steampunk'd 2014, Tailless Tailcoat