by Witchy
Mar 5, 2014


About this Style
cw/rainbow electronic smokes/gift
cw/wicked bubbling cauldron/witch
red lipstick
cherri bbdoll gloss
cw/crown of the whispering priest
cw/adorned worn gold gogglehorns
cw/romantic midnight side curls
cw/sanguine charcoal pearl locks
blue glowing wand
cw/tasteful belted crosses/reaper
cw/constricting ruby bejewled drape/reaper
cw/innocently wrapped cross/reaper
cw/ancient alien queen makeup
cw/cute gothic brush
holy warrior gemstone
cw/amorous dolly liquid makeup
cw/emergency body toner
cw/jockstrap of the galloping muscless
vigorous raven restorative
cw/broken bulb of purity
cw/vase of seductive red roses
aurora borealis

Tags: 2014, adore me come on what's a little click to you this is a really good avatar, adore this, asp, background, custom wear, cw, GA, March, OH La Layers, waa, witchy