by Cole
Dec 14, 2013


About this Style
Oops! Almost forget to upload this in my excitement over the new gingerbread fascinator!

CHIC Grand Holiday Gala
Extreme Layaway part deux
Create a HA using the following items: Rainyday Rainstorm Wrap, Plain Purple Waist Corset, and Diamond Cluster Necklace.

This was so hard!!

CWs Used:
Plum Vintage Oxfords - by Vela
Style File Intricate Sheer Dress - by patonki for Style File (Luscious)

Tags: Adorable Cake Pop Display, CHIC, CW, Diamond Cluster Necklace, Extreme Layaway, Grand Holiday Gala, lots of sheers, Plain Waist Corset, Plum Vintage Oxfords, Rainyday Rainstorm, Style File Intricate Sheer Dress