Luminaire Office Party
by kurloz
Dec 19, 2009

25 Adores


About this Style
Final theme of Chic's snowflake soiree: Office Party. This HA started out with a light blue/black/gray/white color scheme. It came out looking a lot more festive.

Tags: 2009, archduke, archduke mole, black, black cat dress, blonde, buttons, Chic event, Christmas, cummerbund, december 2009, dress, flashback material girl, flower, gothic aristocrat, jabot, kiss of aphrodite, lace, layering, Liam Luminaire, Lililace, Lililace allclassedup, Lililace AllClassedUp Shoes, Luminaire, lunar, maids lipstick, office party, party, pearls, purple, red, roses, ruffles, sheer, Snowflake Soiree, soiree, SR, winter