Take Her To The Music Store
by Icarus
Jul 29, 2012


About this Style
Commemorative Saherimos Hourglass, Elegant Lady Shawl, Banshee Billowing Wrap, Junko Ensnared Feathery Skirt, Blue Floral Embroidered White Stage Stockings, Lililace GoldenRags Ripped and Torn Stockings, Argo White Noise Skirt, Delish Noel Dress, Rainyday Light Dress, Vanity Loved Shoes, Flashback Material Girl Eyeshadow, Colonial Eyes, Argo Blackout Liquid Liner, Peacockulous Wig, White Rose Hair Pin, Limited Edition Delish New Lipstick, Blob Kitty Fanboy Sigh, Donna Pearl Necklace

Tags: Backers, bridal, Light, No CW, ooh la layers, Subeautique