by Jacqueline
Dec 14, 2009


About this Style
1st entry for the SR 12 days of christmas contest! :D I'm just going to copy/paste what I said on the forums:

"Okay so... my dad and I always used to for walks in the forest and we'd try to look for partridges but DAMN, those things are hard to find because the females blend in suuuper well with their surroundings so that they can protect their babies... but for my entry I decided to tell those female partridges to STEP OUT AND STRUT YOURS FEATHERS GIRL. >:C So here is a sexy partridge, she ain't blending in with no trees!"

I did add green and leaf-y things to make it more forest-y though. |D

Tags: archduke, burgundy, cer, green, laurel, luminaire fanfare, no GA, salon, SR, white