by Delight
Jul 27, 2011


About this Style
Why am i always not perfect?

2NE1 is the most amazing girl group in SK. I know a lot of people would disagree with me on this, but honestly, what girl group would sing about being ugly? Other girl groups tell you to be cute, pretty, perfect...girly, sweet, and just...not you.
2NE1 teaches you to love yourself and feel good in your own skin. It's okay to be different. It's better than okay -- it's great. They tell you that you're not alone when you feel the way you do. They do what no other girl group in k-pop does.

All in all, I've felt more beautiful and accepting of my self and body ever since I've listened to 2NE1. They make me love myself, my style and my body. They help me embrace myself.


I'm sorry for the tiny ramble... ;;;;;
I really love 2NE1 >: no one else really does.