I Will Tesla You
by Nic
Sep 25, 2010


About this Style
Slightly relevant Warehouse 13 reference is slightly relevant.

So the latest crazy challenge from my fellow CHICans is to work with a weapon. Warrior-tars FTW! Poppit suggested I use the brass ray gun, and thus I embarked on this thing. I really wish we had some brown belts that fit like this black one does. I was torn about the shoes, and wound up going for boots instead of the seraph shoes (even though I adore them) because they were too light-weight looking.

No denimz and no lite brite colors. So far my attempt to break away from the formula is working (even if it means I harass IRC too much now)


Tags: 2010, black, braids, chic, CHICbot, Delish Mocha, Fight Club, GA, Hair Salon, Maid and Butler, OLL, September 2010, sheer, vintage camera, warriortar, weapon