Cool Kids
by Lovetoken
Sep 19, 2010


About this Style
Well it's true.

I really tried to avoid using the white out on this but the little piece of hair poking out bugged me to no end.

Tags: Anechka Sheepish Lipgloss, Archduchess String of Pearls, Calaca Groom Spat, Colonial Bow Corset, Coral Pilot Hat, Donna Fake Lashes, Donna Pearl Necklace, Giselle Rosebud Ring, helmet, Lederhosen Dress Shoes, Lilac Casual Vest, Lock of Pixie Hair, no GA, pink sheer pantyhose, pixie powder, rosebud, Rosie Beige Stockings, Shimmer Cowgirl Shorts, Sui Apricot Blush