Lucky Charms
by Xanxus
Aug 15, 2010


About this Style
Pots of gold and rainbows. GET IT?
/shot for terrible title

So I loved Belladonna's leg layering with the striped tights and past suit leg coils on this HA

So I did my own take on it. I ended up with the rainbow ones cause they looked neat. I think considering I don't normally do female HAs it came out pretty good. I like her attitude.

Tags: black, black tailored shorts, blue, butlers waistcoat, citrus arm puffs, dee, droop, flashback material girl bracelets, gold, gold double anklets, gray, green, no GA, orange, past suit leg coils, pink, purple, rainbow, rainbow longstockings, rainbow stripey corset, red, shaman feather hairclip, silver, sui apricot blush, sui sun kissed bronzer, toy soldier shoes, white, white ribbon choker, white studded belt, yellow, yellow and white polka-dot bow