I don't wanna think anymore
by beyonce
Jun 21, 2010


About this Style
i left my head and my heart on the dance floor

idk random pearl idea
ffff i walked almost an hour to cvs to get a ugc and then they closed when i was a block away
trying again tomorrow lmao

Tags: ankle wraps, bandana, bidoof battle brigade, biscotti, black, blouse, bright, calaca groom, citrus charms, citrus charms lime, clean, dirndl, donna, donna fake lashes, eyeshadow, flashback wild one, fresh, gaga, green, lime, lol, mariachi ankle boots, ooh la layers, pearls, rainyday, rainyday verdure, ring, salon, set, slashed shirt, spats, SR, sui, teal, telephone, turquoise, verdure, waist corset