Ninkou Latora by old_Ophelia Jun 3, 2010
11 commentsAbout this Style Cirque du Soleil: Dralion Unfortunately can't find a good link for the main inspiration, but this will do: Stella Errans And also!: Ninkou Latora Dralion is the first Cirque show I ever saw, so it has a special place in my heart. <3 Can't decide if this reached its full potential as an av, though. So yes, crit please! Tags: blue, braids, brown, chic, Cirque du Soleil, colonial eyeshadow tin, elaborate gemini hair piece, flame of red rreign greaves, gear wedding ring, gold, imperial oriental headdress, jaundiced sackcloth bodice, leather and brass boots, lemon denimz, natural body ink, navy, navy ankle wraps, navy fancy ruffled blouse, no GA, puka shell bracelet, rainyday desert rose, rainyday desert rose anklets, rainyday desert rose beads, red, red giant bead bracelet, red laced leggings, red rreign, ring of fire ward, salon, sui red eyeshadow, thin seaweed wrap, yellow |