Blend Me Again
by beyonce
Jun 1, 2010


About this Style
i just realized how similar the color scheme is to my last one lmfao

this actually all stemmed from the eye layering, which i know isn't ~*~perfect~*~, but i think it creates a nice effect, y'know?
i also felt that i did not do this jacket justice the last time i used it :c

Tags: argo, argo blackout, berry, bidoof battle brigade, biscotti, black, blackout, coontails, cummerbund, fairy lipgloss, flash, flirty mini, food, gerbera, gerbera ring, hot pink, jacket, lederhosen, lililace dekonstrukted, lol, ooh la layers, pink, salon, sheer, slip, smudge makeup, vampire, vampire hunter, vampire hunter slip, vampire pale stone, wrapped corset, wtf