Rooftop Garden
by Ian
Mar 24, 2010

100 Adores 75 Adores 50 Adores 25 Adores


About this Style
Masquerade 2010.
Tried to stay away from the obviously steampunk - nitty gritty. Went for the use of flowers with softer colors and some nice textures. I'm kinda digging it. I wish we had a better selection of shoes though, but when do I not wish that? I'm also totally digging the texture repetition in the Ruffled Top/Shell Ankles
and the Sackcloth/Ankle Wraps.

Also was able to use the beautiful Narcissus Clip I had been meaning to use lately. Sidney can attest to the fact I've tried numerous times to use it, all with unsatisfactory results. But serious props goes to my gurl, Jila for letting me borrow the Clip, as well as everything else I needed. And of course some tender loving to the CHIC IRC for giving opinions when needed. <3



Tags: 2010, Ankle Wraps, Blonde, Cami is BAMF, CHIC, Chicbot, Copper, Cream, Dirigible Garden, Donna, Donna Fake Lashes, Eyes, Favorite color scheme ever, Flower, flowers, Freckles, GA, Gear, Gear Ring, Gold, Gold Shell Ankle Wraps, Green, Hair Salon, High Fashion, I like it rough, irc love, Jila is amazing, Lililace, Lililace Dekonstrukted, Lililace Dekonstrukted Ruffled Top, Male, man, March, March 2010, Mask, Masquerade, Narcissus Clip, October Calendula Wrist Clingers, oll, Ooh La Layers, Orange, Petals, Pixie, Pixie Powder, Rainyday Verdure Tattoo Sheet, Ruffles, Sackcloth, Salon, Sheer, Shoulders, Steampunk, String, Texturized, Thin Seaweed Wrap, Torn Stockings, Vivacious, Wrap, Yellow