by Nic
Mar 23, 2010


About this Style
I'm all dressed up in my finest attitude
Pretending I don't care.
Guess I really messed up by trying to be two,
When only one heart can be there.
Why can't I be just what I am,
And speak my love without any shame?
Why can't she see what I am,
Is a costumed fool trapped in a tragic game?
Charades and pretty lies
They hide what's deep inside me.
Charades do disguise
All the love I keep inside me.
Charades! Can't see me,
But can you feel the real me,
The real me behind my charades?

Ok, so I needed to make a masq HA, and I had zero decent masks. I managed to vend this one and a few others, and I decided to play with the dusty rose colors. I completely lost track of the number of times the site went down while I was working on this thing,


Title and Lyrics from this song

Tags: 2010, CHIC, Crime Boss, denimz, GA, Guardians-o-Lurve, Hair salon, March 2010, Masquerade, sheer, Strange Skull Candle, waved