Solar Flare
by Ian
Feb 1, 2010

25 Adores

1 comment

About this Style
Boy oh boy did that take a while. It's been at least two weeks since the last time I made a HA. Well at least I'm finally done with it. I had sososo many avatars I think I half way finished before actually finishing this one. Thanks to Sidney though for giving me money to but the Popstar Corset, complete it. <3

This HA was kind of a mash up between wanting to use a few items. The Coronet, Rainyday Flowers, and the new Rainyday Fan Anklets. All three items are items I desperately love. (Shh don't tell the others but the Coronet is my favorite out of the bunch) The Coronet I think I bought a long time ago (surprise) but never got around to using it. Well, I think I used it once but it was jank and I would bury my head in shame if anyone ever saw it. So for all intensive purposes let's just say this is the first time I've used it. c;

Base: a7937f
Light: d7d2c7
Dark: 484337
Streak: 9d6e1e

Tags: 2010, angrybeards bracelets, ankle, ankle wraps, beads, boylita, bracelets, cer, CHIC, chicbot, coronet, corset, cream, february 2010, February 2010, GA, gay, gold, idk, male, Mori, no black, popstar, rainyday, rainyday desert rose, rainyday light, RoQ, salon, sexay, sheer, sidney is <3, solar, solar coronet, solor coronet, tan, tribal fisher, white, wraps, yellow