Gothic Romance
by Silla
Nov 6, 2015


About this Style
AKA "How much is too much?" So many ruffles and ribbons, diamonds and pearls! xD

I think this is my first attempt at a black and white HA. And I know there's a lone chopstick sticking out the back of her hair for no reason, but just pretend there's more hair decorations at the back. I tried using other wigs, but I just preferred the look of these two, so the chopstick will have to stay :p

Tags: Abyssal Mermaid Wrap Skirt, Argo Blackout Liquid Liner, black, black and white, Black Festival Bow, Black Floral Lace Top, Black Lace Snow Millinery, Blaque Deluxe Lipshine, Calaca Groom Tattered Bow Tie, Charcoal Ruffled Long Skirt, Delish Ayr, Delish Ayr Hair Wash, Diamond Shard Jeweled Belt, DIY dress, Fancy White Sleeves, Grave Robber Kohl, gray, grey, hair layering, hair salon, Innocent Sovereign Rings, Licorice Wrapped Chopsticks, Lunar Tear, monochrome, no GA, Ornate Pearl Drape, Pale Rosea Band, salon hair, Spilled Bag of Diamonds, TruStick False Lashes, Viv Blustery Long Lasting Lipstick, WAA, white, White Ornate Skirt, wig layering