All Fired Up
by landriona
Oct 4, 2014


About this Style
CHIC Event: Fall Freshen Up
Theme: Decluttered Design
**Revamp an old look to achieve the same vibe/styling with 12 items or less. (The original look must have more than 12 items.) Don't forget to post the older look as well and list all the items used on your look.

Original Style

Item List for Revamp
1. Anechka Sheepish Lace Bracelet
2. Maids Lipstick
3. BrightEyes Brown Contacts
4. Sui Red Eyeshadow
5. Orange Leopard Top
6. Obsidian Jewelled Necklace
7. Curious Gold Hearts
8. Draped Cloth of the Wilds
9. Bonfire Ankle Tattoos
10. Coal Dungeon Boot
11. Argo Red Alert Translucent Leggings
12. Leopard Print Footless Tights

Tags: 2014, black, chic, chic 2014, chicbot, Coal Dungeon Boot, cw, Decluttered Design, epode, Fall Freshen Up, fire, gold, leopard, Obsidian Jewelled Necklace, orange, red, revamp, salon, yellow