by Cole
Aug 6, 2014


About this Style
Swamp thang
You make my heart sang
You make everything

Don't ask.

Oh wait, I do kinda have an explanation for this:

Status Update: Breaking Habits 3rd
Create a look based around one of the make up kits from the Morostide Makeup Case; make sure the kit you choose is visible on the finished look.

I used the Harpy Makeup Kit. c:

CWs Used:
Cotton Candy Lollipop Ring -
Sweet Bow Flats - by the amazing Vela

Tags: Adora-Monster, CHIC, CHIC 2014, Cotton Candy Lollipop Ring, CW, Delish Freedom, Denim Romper, Giselle Underwater Gurl, Harpy Makeup Kit, Haunted Moonstone, Heavy Triangle Earring, Lace Tank Top, lots o' leg sheers, Nessie, Soleil 2014, Status Update, Sweet Bow Flats, ThistleThief Rogue