Show Sidonie Pride @ PekaBoo
by Witchy
Jul 23, 2014


About this Style
left and right heavy copper triangle earrings
coral bay headband
gold pirate earloops
high elf delicate ears
marvelous pastry locks
delish summer purse
bundle of natural bracelets
gold triangle necklace
cw/strand of golden pearls
navy herringbone high waisted shorts
cw/style file studded and spiked navy boots
black sheer pantyhose
rose ombre stockings
navy shor-sleeved smoking jacket
coral bay cropped top
red lipstick
cw/blacker than my soul mascara
cw/cute gothic brush/anniemae
cw/fearal fox essence
holy warrior gemstone

Tags: adore, Aradia, black, Cabin Sidonie, Cabin Sidonie 2014, CampChic 2014, challenge, chic challenge week 1, CHIC Summer Camp, CHICcamp 2014, crown, Custom Wear, cw, empress, enchantress, GA, gold, hair, July, July 2014, magic, Mystic, mystical, oh la layer, Queen, red, Sidonie, sidonie 2014, silver, sorceress, space, Space Cadet, summer, summer camp, waa, Wands, wig, Wig Addict, Wig Addict Anonymous, witch, Witches, witchy, worlds