Snarky or something
by Cole
May 15, 2014


About this Style
For Style-File, of course...
Make an avatar using one of the following items and at least 2 LEG layers.

I used the Vanity Brisk jacket as well as Grayscale Floral Tights and Stockings of the Beautiful Pixie on her legs.
Added bonus, I finally got around to using Nosh. c:

CWs Used:
Grayscale Floral Tights - by (still no clue) for Privaters/Meso
Stockings of the Beautiful Pixie - by Miska for Cutie
Mauve Snowfall Vintage Oxfords - by Vela

Hair Salon:
2d2d32, d0889c, 0b0b12
Most stubborn hair style!

Tags: Argo White Noise, CHIC, CHIC 2014, CW, Delish Nostalgic, Grayscale Floral Tights, hair salon, hardest pink to match ever!, Haunted Moonstone, Mauve Snowfall Vintage Oxfords, Nosh, Professor New Overkill, Stimulate, Stockings of the Beautiful Pixie, Vanity Amend, Vanity Brisk, Vanity Clever