Into New Lands
by Cole
Apr 13, 2014

1 comment

About this Style
CHIC's Anniversary Adventure
Mystical Crossroads
Create non-identical but cohesive guardians with your partner.

I will link my lovely partner once she uploads....

Ashley and I wanted to represent not only the homeland our HAs were coming from nor only the realm to which they were heading, but also the entire spectrum. Male/female, light/dark, and so on. In mine you can see the faded colors of their homeland Catzi in the green and gold (for the salmon).

CWs Used:
Pristine Cherub Feathers - Seny

Hair Salon:
e9e1d3, ffffff, 725946

Tags: Chic, Chic 2014, CHIC male 2014, Chic's Anniversary Adventure, CW, Delish Year, hair salon, Lost Schoolboy, Magnificarum, Marvelous Damsel, Mystical Crossroads, Pristine Cherub Feathers, Retro Kitten, RoQ Candy Subzero, sacredmale, Saheric Dusk Mask, Serrated Seraph, Swishy Cloak, Trans-Dimensional, Wise Princess