I've tried the hero thing...
by Cole
Mar 25, 2014

25 Adores


About this Style
...it didn't take.

Dedicated to the lovely Shannon (Nightwing).

CWs Used:
Masculinity Serum - by Aerialure

Hair Salon:
443325, 957947, 000000

Thanks for the lend, Perry!

Tags: Brave Explorer, Captains Coat, CHIC, CHIC 2014, CHIC male 2014, Corsair, cosplay, Counts, CW, Dapper So Virgil, Dark Ranger, Esteemed Lords Mask, Flashback Material Girl, Graver Robber, hair salon, Hook, Kei, male models, Masculinity Serum, OUAT, Polished Buccaneers Vest, Sougara Nero, Swarm, what is it with my need of a Hook during Masq?