by dollipop
Mar 11, 2014


About this Style
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When springtime came, you disappeared.

In a storm of broken glass and angry words, bruises and curses, you vanished. No goodbyes, no apologies. No "I'll miss you"s or "I love you"s. Just the items you didn't want and a splinter in the pane of the window. Just my silence and your shouts echoing through the bedroom, the kitchen, the hall. The fuss and the ruckus, a slap and a threat - then nothing. Gone. The rain dripped through the crack in the window and the house was empty. In an instant, nothing. No promises, no pretenses, no shoving and shouting. I thought I would cry, but instead, I smiled.

When springtime came, I blossomed.

Tags: basics, blossom, Bootylicious Floral Shorts, Braided Blush Flower, custom wearable, custom wearables, CW, CWs, flower, Giselle Rosebud, Lililace Gray Days, neutrals, no GA, spring, Subeautique, wig