Sailor Korriban
by Cole
Jan 8, 2014

25 Adores


About this Style
Alt Title: Sith Scout
"Way to mix fandoms there, Nicole."

CHIC Contest
Item Design Challenge
Use the Invader Chest Armor in a HA.

After a few false starts, I was inspired by the Sailor Scouts and the palette of the home world of the Sith.

CWs Used:
Style File Liquorice Peek-a-bow Dress - by Odduckoasis for Style-File (Luscious)

Hair Salon:
762d2d, fa5350, 180101

Tags: CHIC, CHIC Contest, CW, fancy layering, fight club, Flashback Material Girl, Garnet Capricorn Staff, hair salon, Handmaid, I heart these lips!, Invader Chest Armor, Item Design Challenge, mixed fandoms, Neat, Sailor Scout, sith, Style File Liquorice Peek-a-bow Dress