by Thomas
Jan 3, 2010

50 Adores 25 Adores


About this Style
Wanted to use the Chikki Winglets for whatever reason - I was browsing my often forgotten back items, and decided, 'I need wings!'. They're a pain to match, though. The leaf is kinda dodgy but couldn't really find anything better without using the salon, and wanted to use the wig so... didn't really have much choice to be honest. Wanted to use some ankle wraps, but am sadly in rehab. D: D'awwwwwww. Am happy with the alternative I created, though.

Tags: brass, cigarette, donna fake lashes, Fanciful, flashback wild one cigarette, golden chikki winglets, orange, rehab, runaway eyeliner, silver, SR, sweet lolita cherry lipgloss, white