by Cole
Oct 12, 2013


About this Style
CHIC Contest
Fractured Fairytale
Snow White as a Villain

I approached this with the thought: "What if Snow White went insane while dodging the Huntsman in the Dark Forest?"

She even has some forest friends!

CW Used:
Assassins Leather Armor - br Aerialure
Mushroom Ombre Corset - by Dannica

Hair Salon:
252527, 615b59, 080000

Tags: Assassins Leather Armor, Bale, Calavera Bride, CHIC, CHIC Contest, CW, Delish Steam, Fake Heart Shot, Fractured Fairytale, Greaser, hair salon, Halfling, Mushroom Ombre Corset, Rainyday Light, Shattered Hourglass, Snow White, Symphoni Nacht Bloody Sunday, Symphoni Nacht DesireDenial, ThistleThief Rogue, Useless Rusty Knife, villain