walking disasters
by what
Jul 4, 2013

Weekly Top 5 medal 25 Adores


About this Style
i like this song, man

no inky is not a walking disaster. I assure you it's just me being one while using her top 5.

it's hot and staring at this too long would give me an aneurysm prolly

alternate title is rainbow beadclutter goddess

Tags: awkward, beaded belt, bonbon bow, broodmother talon, cabochon ring, challenge accomplished, delicate artifact necklace, delish freedom tights, delish statement hairpiece, delish steam eye makeup, fanciful hummingbird ear cuff, henna eyes makeup kit, inky, leia, purple necklace gift, sr, subetan runway, the wombats, top 5, vanity smoldering shoes, weapontar