Ahh, the sweet nectar of Spring.
by CelticRain
May 18, 2013


About this Style
...and stuff. :3
So this was inspired by Rapunzel's 'Deception' HA

And ARA's 'Love is a Battle' HA.

I don't think this is as pretty as theirs, but, I just wanted to colour some pretty hair and, well, use a weapon. Although I can't say the Maypole Scimitar looks like much of a weapon. >.< But, such pretty colours! :3

Break down & Salon hair colours. Just for my purposes. ^_^

Tags: Aurora Borealis Pantyhose, Delicate Tea Blossom Leggings, Delish Naive, Ice MaiShadow Kit, Maypole Scimitar, September Aster Earrings, Sheer Moonlight Chemise, Sui Purple Liquid Liner, Verdant Spring Eyes, White Flat Sandals