Enlightened Divinity
by landriona
Mar 30, 2013

25 Adores


About this Style
CHIC Event: CHIC Steampunk'd
Theme: Immortally Yours
** Create an avatar that represents a known god/goddess/creature

I chose Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom and much more. I've always had a soft spot for this badass femme.

Tags: antique, Athena, black, brown, chic, chic 2013, chic event, CHIC Steampunk'd, chicbot, copper, cream, cw, Decorative Lace Capelet, delish, fight club, goddess, gold, greek mythology, Immortally Yours, iron, lilly, mask, mauve, mythology, ooh la layers, orange, salon, steampunk, Steampunk'd, tons o sheers, wisdom, yellow