Lemon Temptation
by Consonance
Dec 19, 2009

1 comment

About this Style
This was done for my cult's Catwalk, we were required to make a HA that reminds of us Lemon Meringue Pie. (Yellows and Whites) This is what came out of it.

I wanted to try something different than I usually do. So, I used eyes that I don't normally like and challenged myself to use brown hair for the first time. (This is a big step for me.)
A big shout out to April for helping me with this HA when I was stuck, love ya girl.

Tags: Archduchess Shoes, Cherry Lip Gloss, Fairy Golden Ring, Fashion Police Eye Brush, Genetech Digital Cornea, Pie, Pixie Star Necklace, RoQ Candy Turvey Bracelets, Starfish Belly Ring, Wavy Autumn Strands, White, White Knee Star, White Party Dress, White Ribbon Choker, White Sheer Pantyhose, Wrapped Yellow Corset, Yellow, Yellow Ankle Wraps, Yellow Sheer Pantyhose, Yellow Sweetie Ribbon