Ladder to the Sun
by Historiography
Oct 10, 2012


About this Style
The lyrics are actually a reference to the Yeah, Yeah Yeahs song Zero.. not a reference to the Coldplay song of the same name.

Also.. an avatar without customs. I've tended to over-use them since they came out.
and no black.. also a crutch of mine. ( in clothing.. the eyes are gray so... yeah...)

Tags: amethyst leopard tank, art student smudgy broken shadow, blue laced leggings, giselle rosebud cameo necklace, giselle rosebud engraved necklace, gray aye eye winged liner, lacy red gloves, maid lipstick, mimi moe shia heeled boots, pirate wench belt, rust button up leggings, salon hair, seafoam lovingly laced layered tank, see-thru summer shirt, silent night glitter coat, silver twist bracelet