In honor of
by spiderman143swife
Apr 7, 2011


About this Style
April is Cancer Awareness Month. The flower is the daffodil.

I finally splurged and bought the narcissus clip.

I wear it as well as most of the colors in honor of my family and my boyfriends family who have fought cancer.
Orange for Leukemia for my aunt
Cream/hints of black for Lung Cancer and Brain cancer for my boyfriends grandmother who passed this year in january
pink for breast cancer which my mother almost had.

My mothers brother also had cancer and died at 23, his other grandmother had cancer in her leg, and his grandpa (the husband of gma he lost) also had cancer I can't remember if it was Pancreatic or Colon though....

Tags: April, Awareness, Cancer, Cancer Awareness, Daffodil, Narcissus Clip