Date with the night
by Jacqueline
Feb 3, 2011

25 Adores


About this Style
I wanted to whore this hair layering out a bit more before I move onto the other transformations of this wig. :'D

salon: 2E373C, 888C89, 0D0D0E, 62bac0

Tags: argo blackout, black, blue, boyband, cowboy boots, delish pi, delish tea, fighter, glittering glam rock pirate pants, gray, gray kitty handbag, jingle bell top, lederhosen, lililace dekonstrukted, lovely bird beak, misery lotus anti, ooh la layers, pixie, purple, ragdoll, salon, silver, small metal spheres, SR, sui blush, thin vibrant headband, torn stockings, vertical stockings