by beyonce
Sep 28, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
From the Cirque du Soleil show La Nouba

I decided to emphasize the gritty feeling and was influenced heavily by the name of the track.
I loooove how it goes from intense to a bit silly.

ty glory for letting me use your sandals!

ps this wig is a huge bitch and i will probably let it rot in my wardrobe until we get an achievement for that set
then i will probably just whore out that set for you awesome hookers

Tags: argo, argo blackout, bidoof battle brigade, bird, biscotti, bitch, blackout, blob kitty, blob kitty fanboy, chains, chic, chicbot, Cirque du Soleil, clown, corset, drugs, flashback wild one, fool, freckles, funky corset, gym shorts, herpes, hurrdurr, La Nouba, leggings, liquid liner, lit rolled rainbow herb, loish, lol, mariachi ankle boots, music, no GA, ooh la layers, perry is an asshole, pixie, pixie powder, red, rofl, roq candy, roq candy loish, roq candy loish wig, salon, sheer, shorts, smoke, swallow, swallow ink tablet, sweetie, tattoo, teal, this wig is mean, tribal priest, turquoise, Urban, vampire hunter, vampire hunter jewelry, wallet, wilob, wtf