I Hail From Lavender Town
by beyonce
Sep 21, 2010


About this Style
inb4 creepypasta in the comments to this avatar

hi i like the giant head ribbon

also idk if you lurk anymore but ilu sid and i'm still trying to get my msn to stop being dumb
trying to use that corset reminded me of you :C

Tags: amethyst, ankle wraps, aqua, argo, argo blackout, bidoof battle brigade, blue, blush, butterfly, circus, coral, crazy, donna fake lashes, fairy, flats, flower, fluff, fur, giant head ribbon, gold, hearts, lace, light blue clown ankle wrappings, maid, maids skirt, mother tattoo, no GA, ooh la layers, orange, perry is an asshole, pink, pokemon, purple, ragdoll, rainbow, red, ribbon, ring, roq candy turvey, sheer, sidney ilu, stripes, stripey corset, tattoo, vampire, vampire tattoo sheet, waist corset, wig, yellow