Boys Wear Bows
by Ian
Sep 7, 2010

50 Adores 25 Adores


About this Style
Originally for the current CHIC Event, unfortunately, I wasn't able to afford all the items I needed soon enough. So now it's just for funsies. (y)

Tags: 2010, Argo Blackout Medallion, Black, Blue, Boots, CHIC, Colonial Brooch, Do You Want to Touch My Bow, Donna, Equality, Flashback Wild One, frills, GA, Gay, Gold, Gray, Green, Light Blue Clown Ankle Wrappings, Lililace AllClassedUp, Mad Dress Shirt, Male, man, MayQ Venom, Men Wear ButtBows, Munchkin Mayor, Pixie Powder, Purple, Roq Candy Contrast, Roq Candy Contrast Bow, Roq Candy Turvey Belt, Salon, Stiff Corset, Sugar and Spice fuck that, Sui, Sweet Boylita, Teal, Wilob, Winged Liner, Wrapped Corset