by Emmagan
Aug 24, 2010


About this Style
This was for Subetan runway event.

I was missing around in the hair salon and found this great combo! i think it looks sexy. xD

in case anyone wants to read my bad writing skills*i mean my Travel log*.

Travel Log
August 21st - 22nd
Destination: Centropolis

Boy was that long flight or what. sitting through the flight, hearing Rab Complaining all the way to Centropolis made my head explode. I had to find some to get my mind of him....... then i see him..Dorian. As i watch him talking to Mai... i was just in amazement of him......There is some thing about him that is interesting, i can't put my finger on it yet..With those looks though he is sure to please....

what are we here already? wow i must sleep good.... and well i will keep that to my self..... anyways as we leave the plain i see Dorian go off with Mai.... i watch as they head to Millionaire Center....I on they other hand go straight to a Sign that says HUGE SALE get them why you can!...yay i love to shop and what more a SALE! as i head in i see some other models that where on the plain....must can't give up a great sale either...I decide to pick up a couple of pieces form the Rainyday Rainstrom line and also one piece form the argo blackout line....Wow Everyone he looks great... and the models that where on the plain are the sweetest people to hang out with...after i want there i head to EPICon...well because i a Nerd!...a fashionable Nerd at that...Wow it was so big in there.....some about two boys fighting over that one is cute!... oh sorry... they place is pack jam with people battling it out....I join in for a i look at the time i see it's about time to go to a i hurry to go to the Millionaire Center that place is high price.. i may be a model but i sure don't make that much.. But a kind friend lets me borrow her Amazing Emo Glasses..they are going to look sweet with my outfit tonight!...Then i go get my hair done by Nathaniel... Just got it curled and style but still it's pretty smoking hot...I also go to get a so awesome i love it...if i could go topless to show people my tattoo i would..what no that's not what mean, i just me i would love people to see the design i got...latter that not getting dress and heading out to a club.. then on my way there i see Dorian.... wow he is look cuter then ever... oh sorry lost myself there for a sec...I hope he think i look cute.. because boy i know he dose!...i get to the club had a few alcoholic drink and danced...then i leave headed to a hotel until we leave...I can't to see what else will will do....well that is pretty much it... i had so much fu..zzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tags: 2 layer, Around the world in 18 days, Emmagan, No GA, S | R, Subetan Runway