Tomorrow Will Surely Be Sunny
by Xanxus
Aug 11, 2010


About this Style
The Tales of Lengendia soundtrack is gorgeous

So my first use of the tattoo feature. Obviously I do something Tales related. I like Senel's tattoo because it's not a very ordinary design. I sort of loosely based the color scheme off of his.

Tags: blue, blue skelly bracelet, colonial cravat, cream, dark shaman tooth belt, gold, gray, gray jeans, hazard, I SURE DO LOVE GAME MUSIC, lederhosen knee socks, light blue torn stockings, male, musical inspiration, necklace of aphrodite, no GA, Rainyday Light Anklets, silver, sleeveless starched shirt, talestar, tattoo, video game, white, white cropped vest, white lace-up boots, white long button shirt