Hey girl, where's your drink?
by beyonce
Jun 24, 2010

25 Adores


About this Style
We goin' all get real drunk tonight

lol patron tequila

this thing really makes me wish i had the feet henna, but w/e

also lmao
i'm so late to the sheer layering wtfery
those flowers on the headband
are like
not one solid color
so yeah idgaf i like the legs

Tags: alcohol, amethyst, anti, archduchess, bidoof battle brigade, biscotti, black, blob kitty, blob kitty fanboy, body henna kit, brown, chain, chains, cigarette, dee, delicate floral headband, donna flats, drunk, eyeshadow, fairy lipgloss, flashback material girl, floral, flower, flowers, freckles, gray, gray bunny mini, henna, lavender, lilac, lit rolled rainbow herb, lock of pirate wench hair, mariachi ankle boots, maroon, misery lotus, music, patron tequila, pixie, pixie powder, ring, shawl, sheer, silver, simplistic flats, smoke, sougara, sougara emeralde, whore